Monday, June 27, 2011

How to Find Online Surveys That Pay | Make Money ... - Paid Surveys

In these economic times where many people are looking for either a primary income source or a source of supplementary income, it pays to consider online business opportunities that can be done with very little investment and from the comfort of home. If you?re one of the many who are seeking income opportunities in these uncertain times, you should consider your options to make money doing online surveys.

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What are online paid surveys?

Online Paid Surveys are simply the standard surveys used by all Fortune five hundred companies for decades now to supply market research data for their products and services delivered in a modern way. Before the proliferation of the Internet into most households, these surveys were conducted by telemarketers, door-to-door survey takers, and survey teams targeting shoppers at stores and malls. That being said, there are some reasons why these have become less effective in these days where legislation has been passed to limit infringement of privacy. Never the less, it has been recognized that these strategies have questionable validity due to semi-unwilling consumers wanting to ?get it over with? and go on about their business. Large companies like Nike, eBay, Amazon, Walmart, and others devoted millions of dollars to these older methods of consumer surveys and are now looking to the Internet to ?cut out? these middle men and directly reward consumers who willingly do the surveys online for compensation. Not only is this less costly for the companies, the quality of the online surveys are much better. It?s for these reasons that there is an opportunity for many to make money doing surveys online.

How to find legitimate online paid surveys?

First off, legitimate online paid surveys don?t ask you to buy a product or service, they?re free. Unfortunately, there are veiled marketing companies out there that masquerade as survey companies. So it?s important not to waste time with these and instead find the legitimate survey companies. To provide a good income to you that would be worth your while, you?ll need to find somewhere between one hundred and two hundred (or even more if you are really industrious)legitimate survey providers that pay. If you type in the keyword phrase ?online paid surveys? on Google, you?ll see over 1.23 million results! Let?s not go there?

The next consideration are some very honest and good hearted individuals and organizations who offer their own lists of legitimate survey companies that they?ve tested and proven legitimate. I love these people for their willingness to help others and my hat is always off to them for the service they provide. Unfortunately, these are also hard to find as the ?unscrupulous? have invaded their midst likewise. And not to take anything away from these honest free list providers but one must consider how much continuous effort it takes to keep a free list up to date. Again, some may be so good hearted that they do this day in day out to benefit others, God Bless them. So unless you know some of these people personally or want to take the time to prove them out so that you can quickly make money doing surveys, ?there are easier things in life than finding free gold?like nailing jelly to a tree for instance.?

This leaves one more method for finding online paid surveys and it follows the adage, ?You get what you pay for!? In my fifty-five years, I?ve found this to be the most reliable mantra. But the fact is that keeping very large databases with over a million entries sorted, pre-qualified, and up to date is a task that few would do for free. This is why there exists these databases of online survey companies who don?t charge, are pre-qualified and tested, that have accurate descriptions of what the compensation and the task is, and are rated by the membership who use that database. These databases provide this service by charging a small fee for membership (usually less than fifty dollars USD). These membership fee?s provide the basis for getting all the work done. If someone doesn?t want to spend a lot of time sifting through 1.23 million Google Search Results, but rather wants to start to make money doing surveys right away, it pays to invest a small amount of money to take advantage of all the hard work that has been done to provide a database of legitimate paid survey providers.

What do I need to get started making money doing surveys?

This is a simple and easy business that will allow you to work from the comfort of your home and be free of the commuting and schedule of a nine ? five job working for someone else. So here is the list (I hope I?ve room):

A computer An email account An Internet connection A source of legitimate surveys providers to sign up with A few hours a day to do the surveys that arrive in your email inbox

In closing, I want to be clear that if you want to make money doing surveys, it can be a replacement for a full time job or it can be a source of supplementary income for your family, but you would be hard pressed to become a millionaire doing it. But think about the benefit and freedom of doing something fun like giving your opinion on products and services that you?re a consumer of, reviewing restaurants, test driving cars, watching movie trailers, being a secret shopper, and participating in online focus groups (one of the more profitable survey opportunities), all for fewer hours per week than many are working for the same or less income for the boss! Think of the things you can do with the extra time that you do not spend commuting and the fact that working less than four hours per day can net you the same as working a job eight hours per day.

Check out George?s other EzineArticles on getting started making money online with paid surveys.

Why wait to get started? Go to and you can get started right away.


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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Indian Domestic Violence Act A Brief Overview -

Domestic violence also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse or intimate partner violence(IPV),can be broadly defined as a pattern of abusive behavior by one or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family, friends or cohabitation.

In simple words it is, violence between inmates living together or who has previously co-habited.
The main causes of this kind of violence are personality disorders, low selfesteem, lack of assertiveness, stress, violent atmosphere during childhood, dependency etc.

Some of the methods by which females get abused are:

- Forced to perform any sexual acts which she does not want to.
- Threatened or attacked by knife,gun or any other weapon
- Tried to choke
- Slapping the woman

Slapping is one of the most common methods to abuse the females.
The cycle of domestic violence is repeated across generations. Women whose mothers were beaten by their fathers are twice likely to face domestic violence.


The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 was brought into force by the Indian Government from October 26, 2006. The Act was passed by the parliament in August, 2005 and assented to by the President of India on 13th September,2005. As on November,2005 it has been ratified by four out of twenty eight state-government in India. Namely Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu , Orissa and Uttar Pradesh.

Of about 8,000 criminal cases registered all over India under this Act, Rajasthan had 3440 cases, Kerela had 1028, while Punjab had 172 cases registered.


The passing of Domestic Violence Act is an important marker in the history of the women movement in India. Prior to this Act, domestic violence survivors were hampered by reluctance to enforce domestic violence as a criminal offence. Although criminal proceedings and injunctions were available under the Indian Penal Code and existing legislation, domestic violence was regarded as a private family matter and police and courts were generally unwilling to take action against the offenders.


This law has been primarily enacted to provide protection to the wife or female live-in partners from violence at the hands of husband or male live in partners or his relatives, the law also extends protection to women who are sisters, widows or mothers.

The Sailent features of this Act are:
- The Act seeks to protect women who are or have been in relationship with the abuser where both parties have lived together in a shared household and are related by consanguinity, marriage or relationship in the nature of marriage or adoption: in addition relationship with family members living together as a joint family are also included.
- Domestic violence includes actual abuse or threat of abuse that is physical , sexual, verbal ,emotional and economic. - One of the most important feature of the Act is womans right to secure housing.
- The other important relief under the Act is the power of the court to pass protection orders that prevent abusers from aiding or committing an act of domestic violence.
- The draft Act provides for appointment of protection officers.

The Act defines domestic abuse as physical , sexual, emotional, verbal , psychological and economic abuse and threats of the same.


Women and children are the primary beneficiaries under the Act. The provision for protection of women is given under section 2(a) of the Act. It will help any woman who is or has been in a domestic relationship with the respondent. This section empowers the woman to file a case against a person with whom she is having a domestic relationship in a shared household, and who has subjected her to domestic violence.

Children too can file a case against parent or parents who are torturing and tormenting them.


The real victims of domestic violence are the rural women who are illiterate and who are hardly aware of their rights. The Act should be implemented effectively in the rural areas


- Nearly two out of five women have experienced physical or sexual violence by husbands than by anyone else.
- One in four married women have experienced physical or sexual violence by their husband in twelve months preceeding the husband.


The Act plays a stellar role in protection of womens rights and guarding them from domestic violence.
But on the other hand this Act brushes aside the right of the males.
Aggrieved person is only a woman . The Act assumes that a man can never be victim of domestic violence which is clearly a wrong assumption.

Under this Act , a woman can lodge a complaint even of past co-habitation. This gives her ample opportunity to take revenge on her husband, incase he is innocent. Even the male children are excluded form the purview of the Act.

This Act is a gender-biased Act.

Basically the Act is misused by qualified educated woman who are well aware of the rights conferred by the Act. These women file cases with false allegations against the male person and his relatives and till the respondents innocence is proved , she gains a lot financially .


When a man says that he is tortured or harassed at his home, no one really listens to him instead everyone laughs at him. Many men are ashamed to confess the truth about their lives that they are beaten or harassed by their wives. It is because Indian mentality is like that, no one will really believe such men.

An online based foundation called Save Family conducted a study on Indian Husbands in collaboration with My Nation.
From all over India 98% males had suffered domestic violence once in their lives.

Poll conducted by a site
- 99% men said that they are verbally abused.
- 91% men said that they are mentally tortured.
- 73% men said that they are denied physical relations for no reason


Inspite of globalization, prosperity and education, we have failed to eliminate violence against women. Who are to be blamed for such a situation? As charity begins at home, it is we the people of the nation who should take a collective initiative to eradicate this evil.
As India has male dominated culture, women empowerment does not seem the effective solution. Reservation in jobs and education seems to be more effective solution and gradually direct participation should be encouraged.

Source: Indian Domestic Violence Act A Brief Overview


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Apprentice About Alberta Real Estate Now ?

More than $22 billion was recorded in residential and commercial property sales in Alberta. Any Alberta real estate company gives to the community in aiding them in finding their dream home and with maintaining the current economy. It is the fourth largest province, and therefore many individuals are looking for place to call home in Alberta.

When researching agencies, most individuals want an agent that not only provides support, but also consultative advice that assist in navigating the real estate procedures. This means helping with marketing, negotiations, and coming up with a good list price for a home. They also need to provide necessary checklists that assist individuals in the necessary order of steps needed to buy or sell a home.

To find an agent in this province, the best choice is to first ask family members and friends, and then look at various property listings and local property publications that are in the neighborhood. Though finding a agent might be difficult, finding the right one will make all the difference when it comes to buying or selling a home.

There are vital questions individuals need to ask before choosing an agent. These questions include marketing strategies involved with selling property, how long the agency has been running, and their list to sales price ratio. Other important questions include fees on the sale or purchase of a home, if all agents have required certification, and what guarantees the agency provides.

The advent of the internet has allowed many agencies to create websites to further assist individuals. Not only is information provided on the agency and the employees, but also valuable information about finding a mortgage and what needs to be done before selling a home. This additional information builds a trust with that specific agency.

If an individual wants to know what properties are available, they can check the website of that agency. Many websites provide filters where individuals can check off required information, including price range, type of property, geographic location, and district. If an individual is unsure about a certain area, the website will provide a link where individuals can read up on details of the area.

To learn about the regulations surrounding Alberta real estate, visit the Real Estate Council of Alberta. They are responsible for maintaining regulation compliance, creating new regulations, and ensuring all agents have the proper certification according to this provinces? standards. They offer information on the proper way to buy and sell a home.

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bombs kill 21, wound 42 in Iraqi capital (Reuters)

BAGHDAD (Reuters) ? Three bombs exploded near a market and a religious site in southwestern Baghdad on Thursday, killing at least 21 people and wounding 42 others, hospital and security sources said.

The explosions occurred in quick succession in the Shurta district of the Iraqi capital, the sources said.

A hospital source said at least 21 were killed and 42 wounded, while an Interior Ministry source put the toll at 21 dead and 86 wounded.

Violence has dropped sharply in Iraq since the peak of sectarian slaughter in 2006-07 but insurgents still carry out bombings and other attacks daily.

(Reporting by Reuters Television; writing by Jim Loney; editing by Philippa Fletcher)


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David Prosser Allegedly Grabbed Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Ann Bradley Before Union Law Ruling

Wisconsin state Supreme Court Justice David Prosser allegedly grabbed one of his colleagues around the neck prior to the court's recent decision to allow controversial restrictions on unions to take effect, the Wisconsin State Journal reports.

According to the State Journal, Prosser purportedly grabbed fellow Justice Ann Bradley with both hands after she asked him to leave her office.

The measure at issue in the alleged altercation denies most Wisconsin public workers of their collective bargaining rights. The legislation, which Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker introduced in February of this year, sparked prolonged protests and thrust the Badger State into the national spotlight.

The AP relays background on the Wisconsin state Supreme Court ruling on the measure:

In a 4-3 decision that included a blistering dissent, the court ruled that Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi overstepped her authority when she declared the law void. She sided with a lawsuit that claimed Republicans didn't provide proper public notice of a meeting that helped get the original legislation approved.
Walker claimed that the law, which also requires public employees to pay more for their health care and pensions, was needed to help address the state's $3.6 billion budget shortfall and give local governments enough flexibility on labor costs to deal with deep cuts to state aid. Democrats saw it as an attack on public employee unions, which usually back their party's candidates.

According to the State Journal, Wisconsin Public Radio and the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism launched a joint investigation into the altercation between Prosser and Bradley. Sources spoke about the incident with the local outlet on the condition of anonymity.

Prosser said he had nothing to say about the matter on Friday when contacted by the organizations looking into the situation.

The conservative justice was reelected to his post earlier this year in an extremely contentious race against challenger JoAnne Kloppenburg. The AP reported at the time:

Although the race was officially nonpartisan, Democrats tried to link Prosser, a 12-year court veteran and former Republican Assembly speaker, to Republican Gov. Scott Walker and a divisive new law stripping public employees of most of their union rights. Anger over the law gave Kloppenburg's campaign a boost in the weeks leading up to the election, but it wasn't enough to put her over the top.
The law's opponents hoped a Kloppenburg upset would tilt the court to the left and set the stage for the justices to overturn the measure. For his part, Prosser has told The Associated Press that he doesn't necessarily support the law but cautioned his personal feelings don't influence how he rules on cases before the court.

According to the State Journal, details on what exactly happened between Prosser and Bradley remain scarce.

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In this world, there are many people who are dissatisfied sexually. One of the major reasons behind this dissatisfaction is erectile dysfunction or impotence. Erectile dysfunction is a sexual disorder among men. People with impotence are unable to achieve erection necessary for a happy sexual life.

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Erectile dysfunction is an erection disorder among men and can be defined as the inability to attain and sustain desired penis erection. If there is no erection, obviously there is no sexual pleasure or satisfaction. The unfulfilled sexual desire results in bitter and broken relationships.

Generic Cialis has an active ingredient called Tadalafil. The ingredient prevents PDE-5 enzyme that inhibits flow of blood in the penis area. The chemical also increases the flow of blood in the organ as well as relaxes the muscles. With increased blood circulation, the ED pills help you achieve and sustain erection.

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Learn From A Health Fitness Article Online | Wellness & Health

Learn From A Health Fitness Article Online

Article by Johnny Sogaard

This draft about health fitness articles seeks to give you a solid knowledge base regarding fitness issues, no matter what you?ve read about the topic before. I have always been the kind of person to study something in depth before getting my feet wet. A lot of people call me obsessional, but I don?t see it that way. For me, it is all about getting all the information I need to so I can make the right decisions. That is why, when I decided to get in shape, I read all the health fitness articles that I could before I took my first step on the tread mill. By reading fitness and health articles until I felt like I was an expert, I was able to design the optimum workout for my needs. Health fitness articles are one of the most popular reading subjects nowadays. Our culture is kind of a paradox if you think about it. On the one hand, we have bigger problems with obesity than ever before. On the other hand, more and more people are obsessed with staying healthy and fit. I guess it makes sense if you look at it right. In a culture where people have healthy eating habits and exercise regularly, health fitness articles are less important. In a culture were people don?t know anything about staying in shape, however, articles on staying healthy are a godsend.

Going through the final part of this draft, we will see just how important the subject can be to many people. As I said before, I read a lot of health fitness articles, but not all of them stuck. I was surprised because the ones that made the most impact were the ones with the most general and common sense rules. For example, my favorite health fitness article was about exercising. It said that the biggest mistake that people make is to find overambitious exercise routines based on someone else?s idea of the perfect exercises. It advised me to come up with a routine that involve activities that I actually enjoyed instead of activities that I thought would develop the most muscle mass or cardiovascular strength. Knowing this, I was able to incorporate bicycle riding and swimming two activities that I absolutely love into a good workout. I also read a health fitness article that told me the relationship between eating habits and exercising. This is really important for me because I also had bad eating habits in addition to being too sedentary. They tell me that eating the right foods would give me the energy that I would need to work out and stay active. Wouldn?t you know it once I started changing my diet, I did have more impetus to get out and start running around. Do you feel like you need advice about health fitness articles, or do not know how to start, then there are huge amount of free resources on the internet to give you a boost.

About the Author

The author of this article Johnny aka Gnubas is the founder of, which gives you detailed guidance about Female Body Building Will Not Bulk You Up and Womens Health Issues.

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Steps To Take For A Successful Home Move | South Jersey Real ...

Moving household goods from one place to another is indeed a difficult task. The tasks of packing and moving are really very difficult. These tasks are full of stress and tensions. Packing household goods is extremely hard. You will find many items in home. You need to pack entire items and move them to new locations. Listed here are a few steps for successful home move that consist of safe packing and smooth moving ideas. Make use of right quality packing supplies to pack goods.?

You will find numerous kinds of items in home. Some items can be fragile, some could be very unusual in shape and a few can be too much large to pack safely. So, you need right packing supplies to pack items safely and properly. Bring cartons of different shapes and sizes to pack different items of home. It?s better to pack items in medium sized cartons. A lot of the household items could be packed easily and safely in medium sized cartons. Time management is extremely essential for successful home move. You should find time for all activities. So, manage time and allocate required days for packing and moving items. You should begin packing as early as possible.

?Ensure safe packing. Safe packing is the pre-requisite of safe moving. You should pack your belongings safely. You can carefully pack a lot of the things. Nevertheless, you should hire professional Packers Movers Chandigarh staffs to pack fragile and odd items that you cannot handle. Professional packers can easily pack all kinds of items. They?re expert in packing all kinds of things. Maintain list of all items. You should make a note of the things that are packed for being moved. You need to match the things with list after reaching the final destination to avoid loss of any item. Hire professional relocation agency to move things from one location to another. It?s very tough to move numerous things safely. Moving companies have many goods carrier vehicles to move clients? belongings.

?The trucks and trailers for transferring goods are designed to move things safely. They?ve carriers of different sizes to move items of all types properly to any location. The moving companies have staffs for loading and unloading items. They ensure safe moving of goods for successful relocation. These are the steps to make sure safe relocation. There are numerous Movers and Packers Chandigarh based companies. You should always hire a registered moving company only to move your things. Registered and reliable moving company ensures safe, smooth and successful home move. ?

Don?t let movers get more of their fair share! Find the most competitive moving price for your move by requesting competitive moving quotes from full service moving companies. Compare rates & service. Save up to 35%.?

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    How Do You Know Whether It\?s Diabetes?

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    23. June 2011 von admin
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    Thursday, June 23, 2011

    Building Traffic | How to drive traffic to your business experts ...

    June 23, 2011 ? 12:35 am

    For many Internet entrepreneurs, the major concern is how to provide SEO services to traffic. To be more precise, their main interest is to obtain a large number of potential customers to their websites so that they can provide additional income. If you have a net-entrepreneur, you can think of exactly the same line. You can not understand is that it the process, learn how your business is promoted on the Web worthwhile.

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    Wednesday, June 22, 2011

    Should Microsoft buy BlackBerry? (The Week)

    New York ? BlackBerry maker Research In Motion is struggling mightily, fueling speculation that a Microsoft buyout is in the works

    Research In Motion (RIM) is moving in the wrong direction. The maker of the BlackBerry (and the new tablet, the Playbook) has seen its stock slide from the mid-$50s range in April to $28 on Wednesday, with the biggest plunge seemingly triggered by a "particularly ugly" quarterly earnings report late last week. The tanking stock has sparked renewed speculation that a company with a healthy bankroll ? say, Microsoft ? could swoop in and buy the beleaguered smartphone maker. Would that be a positive step?

    Yes. It "would make plenty of sense": Buying RIM at these "bargain-basement prices" would help Microsoft "immediately become a much larger mobile player," says Preston Gralla at ComputerWorld. Microsoft could then offer BlackBerries for business customers, and Windows phones for consumers. That would mean abandoning the "Windows everywhere" strategy that Microsoft "seems wedded to," but it would be "the quickest way" for Microsoft "to finally become a big player" in the smartphone world.
    "Will Microsoft buy RIM?"

    No. Neither Microsoft nor RIM is interested: You can "forget the idea of Microsoft buying RIM," says Erik Sherman at BNET. Microsoft has invested too much "time and money creating Windows phone" and isn't going to buy RIM's competing and "aging" smartphone software. Plus, RIM's ego-driven co-CEOs "would rather die and take the business with them than admit someone else could solve a problem they couldn't."
    "Buy RIM? Don't make me laugh"

    This is just a stockbroker's fantasy: This deal is "complete nonsense" suggested by stockbrokers who have seen their holdings in RIM nosedive,?says Charles Arthur at?The Guardian. A deal would help brokers by getting them a premium for their RIM shares ? and the speculation helps drive up the stock price even "before the acquisition begins." But buying RIM would be like "catching a falling knife," and Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is a "good dealmaker" who won't get suckered by this chatter.
    "Microsoft rumored to buy RIM... or stockbrokers to sell RIM shares?"

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    How to Keep Your Pets Safe in the Summer Heat - Santee, CA Patch

    June marks the start of abundant sunshine, barbecues and long days outside. If you?re anything like me, you?re eager to include your furry family member in all of the alluring outdoor activities summer has to offer. But beware?as the temperature rises, so do the number of threats to your pet?s health. Here are a few tips to help you keep your pet safe and happy as you enjoy the next few months of fun in the sun together.

    Water: This vital resource is just as important to animals as it is to humans, especially during warmer weather. No matter where you are going, make sure you have plenty of fresh water for both yourself and your pet. Thirsty pets are likely to drink from puddles in the street that can contain harmful bacteria, pesticides or chemicals like antifreeze, which is fatal to dogs. So play it safe. Always provide your pet with water so they don?t go looking for it in other potentially dangerous places.

    Sunburn: The sun?s rays will penetrate even the densest fur coat, which means that all animals are susceptible to sunburn, blisters and even skin cancer. Animals with lighter coats and skin are at an even greater risk. Thus, it?s important to put sunscreen on your pet?s nose, ears and lips before taking them on any outdoor adventure, and be sure to reapply as needed.

    Foxtail: This barbed plant grows during the summer and is very prevalent in the landscape of the Southern California region. Animals can come into contact with this plant simply by ingesting it, sniffing it or walking through thick vegetation. These spiked clusters can become lodged in the skin, nostrils, throats (if ingested) or ear canals of many pets. If untreated, it could lead to an infection and other complications. So while you?re enjoying time outside with your pet, pay attention to where they?re wandering or what they may be chewing on. Also, it?s a good idea to check for burrowed foxtails by doing a quick body check on your pet after an outdoor adventure.

    Never leave a pet in a car: This is simply just a no-no, regardless of the situation. Even if the windows are rolled down, the temperature in a car can easily climb to a dangerously high level in a matter of minutes. Your pet?s body temperature will do the same, and with fatal consequences. If you need to run errands ? even short ones ? it?s best to leave your pet at home.

    Heatstroke: Dogs in particular are extremely susceptible to heatstroke. This risk is even higher for puppies, elderly dogs and canines with short, pushed-in faces, such as bulldogs or pugs. Pay attention to your pet?s behavior when they?ve been in the sun for a prolonged period of time, and be on the lookout for signs of heatstroke. Some classic symptoms include: heavy breathing, rapid panting, excessive drooling, lethargy and bright red gums or tongues.

    If you suspect your pet may be suffering from heatstroke, get them to a veterinarian immediately. In the interim, you can help cool them off by putting rubbing alcohol on their paws or icepacks on their groin area. To avoid this potentially deadly condition, opt for early morning and evening hours as outdoor playtime for your pet. Additionally, be sure your pets always have access to shade and water when they?re outside.

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    Tom Hanks On Univision: Weather Segment Dance (VIDEO)

    Tom Hanks is hitting the press junket hard, pitching his new comedy, "Larry Crowne," to anyone and everyone -- regardless of what language they speak. And it was during a four segment, lost-in-translation appearance on Spanish language Univision's "Despierta America" that Hanks may have actually trumped his comedic film with a bizarrely hilarious set of dance moves.

    After roughly understanding what the hosts had to say, Hanks moved over to do the weather -- and show some flair. While reading the temperatures, he danced with the normal meteorological presenter in a non-step series of amazing -- and for his sake, hopefully unplanned -- dance moves.

    And it tired him out.

    "Gotta love Univision! What a fun hour that was, peppers for breakfast! Que bueno! Hanx" the star later tweeted.


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    Tuesday, June 21, 2011

    Greek government to face key vote

    Greek prime minister George PapandreouThe vote of confidence is in Mr Papandreou's new cabinet, which he put in place on Friday

    The Greek government is due to face a vote of confidence, a crucial first step towards gaining a vital 12bn euro ($17bn; £10bn) loan.

    If the government survives the vote, Greece's parliament will be asked to back the latest spending cuts - worth 28bn euro - on 28 June.

    These austerity measures and other reforms have to be introduced before the European Union and International Monetary Fund release the funds.

    Greece needs the loan to pay its debts.

    Tuesday's vote of confidence is on the new Greek cabinet, which Prime Minister George Papandreou put in place last Friday.

    Mr Papandreou hopes the new cabinet, and specifically the new Finance Minister, Evangelos Venizelos, will help secure parliament's backing for further austerity measures that are already proving deeply unpopular with the Greek people.

    At the weekend eurozone finance ministers decided to postpone their decision on whether to grant Greece the 12bn-euro loan until the country introduces the additional spending cuts and privatisation programmes.

    “Letting Greece default in a disorderly, uncontrolled way would probably be a good deal worse for the global economy than Lehman's collapse”

    Peston: Greece is not Europe’s Lehman Commentators: What next for the euro?

    Greece needs this aid - the latest tranche of the EU and IMF's 110bn euro aid package - by July to be able to keep up with payments to the creditors of its huge debts.

    If the Greek parliament does back the austerity measures, the eurozone finance ministers will meet again on 3 July, with the funds expected to be released by the middle of next month.

    However, lawmakers are having to ponder their decision in the face of mass demonstrations, strikes, and even riots.

    The latest protest against the cutbacks involves workers at Greece's state-owned electricity company, who are on a 48-hour walkout.

    BBC Europe editor Gavin Hewitt, who is in Athens, says ministers have argued that without further austerity measures in exchange for a new bail-out Greece is heading for bankruptcy, but many Greeks appear to prefer that option to further austerity.

    Protesters participate in a rally against the government's latest austerity measures on Sunday 19 JuneMass protests against the governments austerity measures are continuing across Greece

    Mr Venizelos said the decision of the eurozone finance ministers to delay the loan showed that urgent action was now needed. "We have plenty to do," he said.

    Olli Rehn, the European Union's Monetary Affairs Commissioner, urged Greece to continue with its austerity measures.

    "The greatest weight of responsibility lies on the shoulders of the new Greek government," he said.

    Mr Rehn added that the situation in Greece was the worst crisis Europe had faced "since the Second World War".

    New aid

    A new aid package for Greece about the same size as the first, which was passed in May last year, was also agreed in principle by EU finance ministers on Sunday.

    Greek bail-out timelineMay 2010: EU and IMF agree bail-out package to prevent Greece defaulting on its debts; in return, Greece agrees to make 30bn euros of budget cuts over the next three yearsFebruary 2011: EU and IMF experts tell Greece it must make further cuts to keep recovery on trackApril 2011: EU figures reveal Greek deficit revised up to 10.5% of GDP, worse than previously thoughtMay 2011: Greece begins privatisation programme but is warned the IMF may not release more funds as Athens cannot guarantee it will remain solvent for next 12 monthsQ&A: Greek debt crisis Viewpoint: Politics of Greek crisis

    The new package, to be outlined by July, will include loans from other eurozone countries.

    It is also expected to feature a voluntary contribution from private investors, who will be invited to buy up new Greek bonds as old ones mature.

    Officials said this money had to be freely given, or it would be seen as technical default on Greece's debt repayments.

    If Greece were to default - or seen to be in default - it would mean massive losses for European banks that hold Greek debt, including the European Central Bank.

    Officials said the new plan was expected to fund Greece into late 2014 and total about 120bn euros.

    Inspectors for the EU and IMF will make another visit to Athens on Tuesday in what the European Commission said would be a "technical mission".

    The visit, which comes after teams from both bodies have spent months poring through the country's accounts, is unscheduled and the Commission did not say what its objective would be.

    Countries most expose to Greek debt

    This article is from the BBC News website. ? British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.


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    Reaching Health And Fitness By means of Healthy Food plan ...

    Due to so many sicknesses and power illnesses that happen amongst folks through the years, increasingly more people are taking part in consideration to their well being and fitness because these would assist them fight sure medical conditions. In the present day, one of the major the explanation why individuals are obese or endure from minor and major well being risks is that they don?t follow having a wholesome diet.

    Effective formulation for a nutritious diet

    Nutritious diet-which embrace eating balanced quantity of food from all food teams-together with exercise or common bodily activity can reduce folks?s inclination to well being problems. Docs say that though primary precept of healthy diet is simple, there are these people who are having a tough time sticking to it. The main causes behind this embody an excellent busy way of life, work that causes loads of stress and even an setting that is not conducive to having a wholesome diet.

    Despite hectic schedules and busy lifestyles, people can start and keep a nutritious diet if they really want to. Experts say that nothing is unattainable to formulating and effective diets plan if one actually wants to attain a wholesome mind and body.

    For starters, specialists advise a mix up meals selections from every meals group. Consuming a big variety of meals and veggies also can function a warm up in avoiding the meals that contribute to drastic weight gain. Having a balanced consumption of calcium-wealthy meals, whole grains, and protein-wealthy products will also preserve you in track. To have the ability to maintain consuming a nutritious diet, you must also know your restrictions of fat, salt and sugars ranges, and intakes. Lastly, you will need to monitor your body weight usually for you to decide in case your body is absorbing all of the vitamins that it needs.

    When have you learnt if your weight loss program is wholesome?

    Being free from any sickness or medical condition is the major determinant that a person is healthy. For individuals who are having a hard time identifying what is wholesome on their weight loss plan and which are actually, listed here are some ideas for you. Specialists say that a weight loss plan is healthy whether it is: ? primarily based on starchy foods reminiscent of bread, cereals, rice, pasta, and potatoes as a result of they are a very good source of energy-not to mention being the principle supply of a spread of vitamins of an individual?s eating regimen like fiber, calcium, iron, and vitamin B;

    - loaded up a lot of fruits and veggies similar to orange, apples, celery, broccoli, carrots, beans and peas because eating at the least 5 parts of any selection can provide the vitamins the body needs and it additionally satisfies hunger without having to fret about fat and excess carbohydrates;

    - stuffed with fish dishes which have high quantities of fish oil as a result of it could present protein, vitamins, and minerals that aren?t accessible to other meals groups;

    - low on saturated fats and excess sugars corresponding to meat pies, sausages, arduous cheese, butter and lard, pastry, cake, biscuits, cream and the others because they?re excessive in complicated energy stored in the muscle mass and sugars that can trigger tooth decay.

    - less in salt content as a result of specialists believe that items which might be excessive in salt or meals that makes use of too much salt can increase the individual?s blood strain which may result in more complicated ailments especially those related to coronary sicknesses; and

    - excessive in water content as a result of experts imagine that for an individual to achieve optimum health and health, he or she should absorb tons and lots of water and meals that are high in fluid content material to maintain the physique properly-hydrated.

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    Syrian President al-Assad addresses nation after weeks of protests

    DAMASCUS, SYRIA (BNO NEWS) ? Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Monday addressed the citizens of Syria and said that the recent events in the country are a conspiracy against national unity.

    ?It doesn?t require much analysis, based on what we heard from others and witnessed in the media, to prove that there is indeed a conspiracy,? said Assad. ?Every rumor you heard about the President, his family, and his work is absolutely groundless.?

    The Syrian leader also blamed the ongoing unrest on ?vandals? at the service of ?external political positions? which are attempting to interfere in the internal affairs of the Middle Eastern country but acknowledged that there are also concerned citizens demanding better services and livelihoods.

    ?We need to differentiate between those people, and others who were involved in destruction. The latter are a small group. It is true that they made an impact; they tried to manipulate others. They tried to manipulate the good majority of the Syrian people in order to achieve different purposes,? added the president.

    According to Assad, he has met with many representatives of the demonstrators and listened to their concerns. He vowed to introduce rightful demands but rejected the spreading of chaos, the breaking of laws, and harming of public interests.

    ?The delegations I met with were from all sectors of society and all religions as well,? said Assad. ?This is one of the duties of the state towards its citizens; where it should work tirelessly in order to meet those demands to the best of its capacities.?

    The Syrian president also announced that more than 64,400 people are wanted for various criminal cases, saying that many of them escaped custody at the beginning of the unrest and have been ?instigating? citizens and kill armed forces service members.

    ?In terms of our security and stability, we have paid a heavy price. What happened was an unprecedented ordeal that overshadowed our country and led to a situation of distress, confusion, and frustration,? added Assad. ?This was due to riots, the killing of innocents, terrorizing the population, and sabotaging both public and private property.?

    The European Union deplored that the Syrian authorities did not respond to the calls to immediately stop the violence and engage in meaningful reforms. The EU labeled the current situation in Syria as a threat to internal and regional stability.

    Despite the claims of the Syrian government, the EU, the United Nations and other international agencies have reported the killing of innocent protesters due to the violent crackdown on demonstration by security personnel.

    ?The EU calls for an independent, effective and transparent investigation as requested by the UN to hold those responsible for the violence to account;? said the EU in a statement. ?The current crisis can only be settled through a political process:?

    Human rights activists say more than 1,400 Syrians have been killed and thousands more have been detained since the unrest began in mid-March. Pro-democracy demonstrations have continued across the country, which has been ruled by the Baath Party since 1963. Protesters are demanding the ouster of President Bashar al-Assad, who took over from his father in 2000.


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    Monday, June 20, 2011

    Computer Hardware Course ? The Advantages of Taking It | SBJX

    Home > en > Computer Hardware Course ? The Advantages of Taking It

    In the course of your hardware, but a good way to learn to manage the inevitable computer failures, should face it in his daily life and more of yourself on your computer. When you connect to the service center can take your time and money choices is you have to take your computer. Over the course of your computer's hardware, not to jump to save trekking along a repair shop, and can be very valuable, is to help understand the hardware requirements for your computer.

    This will take engineers and technical staff to learn about computer hardware is not successful. You, if you are interested in engineering and technical staff, but the background of your computer hardware can be valuable can significantly improve the employability of people from your area .

    Fix your computer can do a very good short course on computer hardware. To give you their money is spent, IT professionals can become an expert.

    Investment of time and research programs in computer hardware will be rewarded quickly when things go wrong. However, this is the only reason to take a course in the computer's hardware is not a good plan.

    Not only can you solve your computer will have the knowledge to build a computer from scratch. The cost of computer parts is less expensive than buying a much Puripurodakushonpakkeji often. It also allows you to customize your computer so the design is suitable for your needs and completely.

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    Is it worth the time investment required to take courses for computer hardware. Learning software is not just programming for you and your target computer, or you can give the better. If you are limited in time, do not worry. Many courses to do at home, or CD is available online.

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    Supplies that You'll Need for Moving to A New Home - Real Estate ...

    HTML Ready Article. Click on the "Copy" button to copy into your clipboard.

    By: Roby Price

    When preparing to move, you'll not only need to gather the stuff you'll be moving?but also the supplies to help you move that stuff. Which supplies are the most crucial ones for moving to your new home? Here are some that you should definitely consider using.

    Some crucial moving supplies are newspaper and bubble wrap. Although newspaper will often function as an effective moving supply, you should use bubble wrap when you need to provide your packed items with extra protection. Buying bulk amounts of the bubble wrap will help to offset the cost of buying so much of it for your relocation.

    If you're going to bring moving boxes when you relocate, then you'll need packaging tape. Such tape is available in different sizes and grades, so make sure to shop around before choosing one. Try buying it in bulk. Also, while generic packaging tape is available, you should generally avoid it. That's because the savings wouldn't be worthwhile if it's not effective in keeping your moving boxes secure during your move.

    You should certainly consider using padded items when preparing to relocate. There are several different products available, and they'll all help to make your move smoother. Although the items will have a higher price tag than non-padded ones, consider that you can't put a price tag on your most valuable belongings.

    Unless you're using a Star Trek-like transporter, then you'll need moving boxes for your moving. Should you use cardboard boxes or plastic boxes? Should you select new or used boxes? The choices are yours. What's more important is that the boxes be sturdy, to help guarantee that they'll be as safe as possible while you move them. You should also start searching for boxes as soon as you decide that you're going to relocate. Look high and low, in order to find the perfect boxes for your move. The moving boxes you choose are crucial for your move.

    When we think of security locks, we tend to think about locking things in our present or future homes. But such locks can also be effective during our relocation. Security locks are available in several different sizes, grades, and prices. So it's important to do some comparison shopping, to find the right security locks for your needs. Whichever ones you choose will be helpful.

    Covers and bags are other items that you should consider buying for your relocation. They're both available in different sizes, which makes them an ideal choice. When selecting a particular brand and model, check the bags' and covers' quality.

    Finally, special moving kits are available that include an array of different moving supplies. Such kits are designed for various people (i.e. students), rooms (kitchens and bedrooms), and homes (houses and apartments). The overall cost of such kits might be higher than if you had bought all of the items individually. However, you should consider how convenient they can make your moving.

    While there are several moving supplies available, not all of them are effective. However, the aforementioned supplies are definitely ones that you should consider buying.

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    Sunday, June 19, 2011

    Postcard Eskimo Family and Their Home in Alaska - Resource Blog

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    DOS Games

    I'm fortunate to be part of a generation that grew up with video games. Many young gamers today have the same opportunity only with much more advanced games and consoles. In an industry that's really only been around for 30 years, there has been significant leaps in the technology--especially within the past decade. Here's an example of how gaming has evolved: Back in the 80s and early 90s computers were run on an operating system called DOS (disk operating system). From here you could run all of your computer's programs, including games. Games, as well as other programs, were on floppy disks which you could insert into the computer's modem and access. Now-a-days on either computers or on gaming consoles, video games are available in a variety of medium--the main two being disks in the form of CD, DVD, or BluRay format; or in a purely digital capacity. As a comparison to the memory taken up by games, Space Quest (a well-known DOS game) takes up 688 Kilobytes of memory or 688,000 bytes; whereas Infamous for the PS3 takes up 7 Gigabytes or roughly 7,000,000 bytes of information. And there is roughly a 20 year gap between the games. Ergo, within the last 2 decades the size of the average video game has exponentially grown tenfold. The popularity of gaming has also been on the rise since the turn of the millenium. This can be attributed to the increased availablity of games and their consoles. Everyone can be a gamer: grandparents, adults, teens, even young children. It is a fantastic world to live in.
    But I'm rambling. When I was younger I was introduced to gaming through DOS. I would play Oregon Trail at school, Lemmings in my summer computer camp, and others at home or with friends. Of course this was long before the boon in gaming that came with the mid 90s--when the console wars began; and I didn't truly become (what I would call) a gamer until after Sony released the PlayStation. But I still have my roots in DOS computer games. Recently I've been pouring over the internet searching for programs and peripherals to download and play some of the old DOS games that began my interest in games. Finally my search has come to fruition and I have been granted access to many titles including but not limited to: The Elder Scrolls, the (in)famous Sierra games like the Space Quest and King's Quest series, and one of my favorite DOS games of all time--Scorched Earth. Having complete access to these games has given me a thought bubble--"I can do DOS Let's Plays now!" And I have every intention to follow through with that. I haven't yet decided if I'm going to have them as part of the Power On series or just as their own entity, but they will get done. Games that are not practical to do LPs of, I will still try to play and get footage to use for review purposes. I am excited about this. So be on the look out for the first DOS Let's Play (hopefully soon) when Beanie Plays: Space Quest!


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    Purdue University Student's Invention That Could Help Dentists, Doctors Available for Licensing, Commercialization

    June 17, 2011 1:46 PM EDT

    WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- During a trip to her dentist, Leah Kentt?maa-Squires - a recent Purdue University industrial design graduate - thought of a new kind of dental and medical chair that makes medical equipment easier to maneuver and transport.

    "When I got home I researched on the Internet about what's on the market, what's been used and what are the problems," she said. "Then I interviewed dentists and doctors about what they needed to treat patients in Third World countries."

    The result is Mantis, a patent-pending portable medical chair that can be used for orthodontic care, physical treatments and medical examinations. It can be folded into a dolly to carry medical supplies needed by physicians and dentists working in less-than-ideal hospital-regulated environments. The chair's components include an adjustable headrest, and it gives occupants the ability to lean back in an ergonomically correct position for full-body extension for dental or medical care. It also is lightweight for transportation purposes.

    "We call the chair the Mantis because of its design to morph into different shapes for different uses," Kentt?maa-Squires said.

    She collaborated with Purdue graduate student Kyle Amick to build the chair.

    "Traditional, stationary dental chairs are motorized to move up and down or tilt, but we created a 3-D model on a computer to determine how to begin designing Mantis," Amick said. "Then we worked on a scale model of a dental chair that could be converted into a dolly, and we wanted to create something as mobile as possible knowing there likely wouldn't be portable power sources. So there are no gears or motors in the Mantis."

    Once the team had a design, they worked on making it functional and inexpensive. A cost for the chair has not been determined, but Kentt?maa-Squires said it would be considerably less expensive than current chairs used by dentists.

    "If we get a manufacturer or licensing agreement, the chair could be on the market within two years," she said.

    Mantis is available for licensing or commercializing through the Purdue Research Foundation's Office of Technology Commercialization. Contact project manager Hilton Turner at 765-588-3479, or for more information.

    A video about the Mantis chair is available at

    Purdue Research FoundationCynthia Sequin,

    Source: Purdue Research Foundation

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    Saturday, June 18, 2011


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    The Right of Education ? OSV Article, Part 2 | Dallas|Ft. Worth ...

    By: Christine Alcott

    This blog is the second in response to the Our Sunday Visitor?s article on homeschooling vs Catholic School education.? The first of my blogs focused on the sorry response of the Bishop of Austin, Tx to a local homeschool group. This blog will take on the opinion (from the article) of Father Peter M.J. Stravinskas, who runs the Catholic Education Foundation.

    Fr. Stravinskas thoughts are very typical of those who are, not clueless about homeschooling, but anti-homeschooling.? In a nutshell, Fr. Stravinskas claimed:

    1. Catechesis is mainly the job of the pastors, then the Church as a whole, with the parents coming in somewhere after all these others.
    2. Families who homeschool at least implicitly teach their children that priests cannot be trusted to hand on the faith.
    3. Homeschooling leads to a decline in religious vocations.
    4. It is unhealthy for mothers to spend 24 hours a day with their children.
    5. Parents cannot possibly teach their children all they need to know.
    6. Homeschoolers set themselves apart as an ?elite? group within the Church, causing division.

    Wow! Where to start! I am going to jump around a bit, so hang on!

    You Might Be Crazy If?.
    Let?s go with #4 first, because it made me laugh ? it is psychologically unhealthy for parents and children to be with each other 24 hours a day.
    Okay, so the days where I spend all morning arguing with the 13-yr-old who cannot believe he has to (gasp!) do something so cruel as write a paper or clean a room, simultaneously potty-train a toddler while teaching middle school Latin,? or on the days they all seem to have brain farts at the same time, then yes, I can see that it may be psychologically unhealthy for me to be with my children all day, every day.
    But, the thing is, I am not with them all day, every day.? For starters, they all have their own (sometimes shared) bedrooms. We go to bed separately, and we have free hours. The kids play, I?do whatever it is I do, and we spend some healthy time on our own. They do have friends, hobbies, and toys.
    In fact, the label ?homeschooler? can be mis-leading. With all the homeschool support today? (and the recognition that there is money to be made from homeschoolers), there are a plethora of classes and activities to do, and groups to belong to. We are actually not often at home all day!
    If what Fr. Stravinskas says is true, then mothers or fathers should put the kids in day care straight away, as there is nothing more psychologically demanding than caring for a newborn 24 hours a day. Vacations are a no-no, unless you plan on separate activities.
    It is not always easy being around each other so much, but the last thing it is is psychologically unhealthy. I like my kids. They (usually) like me! We learn a lot from each other, and together we create a really healthy, stable family. You see, by homeschooling together, we have to learn to get along, to work through our differences, and to listen with respect. How many families want these things?
    We are not joined at the hip, the kids can handle life apart from me, we are not sharing a family bed that sleeps six.
    And we are not crazy. Usually?..

    My Teacher, Mrs. Mom
    #5 ? Parents cannot teach their children all they need to know.
    I couldn?t agree with this more. Thank God we are not stuck in a log cabin in the middle of the winter, in 1820 on the prairie!

    The rallying cry of homeschoolers comes from the Vatican II document, Christian Education. It says, ?Parents must be recognized as being primarily and principally responsible for the education of their children.? ( No 3)But the document also states,?The task of imparting education belongs primarily to the family, but it requires the help of society as a whole.? (No 3).
    Or, as it states in Familiaris Consortio,
    ?The family is the primary but not the only and exclusive educating community.? FC (no 40)
    I do not know of one homeschooling parent that is the sole teacher of their children. For starters, my children attend, or have attended, on-line classes, community classes, science workshops, homeschooling coops, seminars, discussions, and PE. Do I know Latin?? Nope. So, how do I teach it? Through the experts who do know Latin, and how to teach it. The boys use their DVD?s every day, and would tell you that Ms. Leigh or Mr. Moore is their teacher ? Mom just helps out!

    Even without these resources, parents are never the sole teachers of their children. Charles Dickens, Shakespeare, Cicero, and a host of other authors have a lot to share. All I do is guide the reading a bit, provide some discussion, and listen to the results.

    More specifically, Fr. Stravinskas was speaking about high school education. It is a valid question ? how can the average homeschooling parent teach high school subjects with the needed depth?? The answer is ? we don?t!
    I would be the first to tell you that I do not excel in math or science. If I tried to teach my children all about chemistry, for example, it would be a very, very short class!

    But what I do know how to do well is to research and find great science classes, science curriculum, and experiments.

    Homeschooling parents are like shepherds. It is our job to guide our children to the green valleys and still waters where they can take refreshment and nourishment. Our job is to lead our children?s education, not to be the sole voice in it.

    Name Your Source
    #3 ? Homeschooling leads to a decline in religious vocations.
    Really? Where did that come from? I would like to know, because from what I have read, homeschooling often has the opposite effect. Catholic families who include faith in the homeschooling life usually are big supporters of religious vocations. Our children are the ones altar serving daily mass in the school year.
    Sorry, Fr. Stravinskas ? I am just not buying this one!

    Thou Shalt Attend Catholic School
    #2 ? Families who homeschool instead of sending their children to Catholic school teach their children that priests cannot be trusted to hand on the faith.

    First, Fr. Stravinskas? argument would have to mean that priests are the ones teaching in Catholic schools. That is not the case. Catholic schools are usually staffed by lay-people. Sometimes religious, but that seems to be the exception anymore, not the rule.
    Catholic families can choose not to send their children to Catholic schools for several reasons, which many other writers have explored. I will just sum up.
    First, some families, it is true, do not like their particular Catholic schools. Sometimes it is because the school is more Catholic in name or location, rather than mission and curriculum. Sadly, this can happen. It is fair for Catholic families to expect a truly Catholic education from a Catholic school. Fr. Stravinskas wants us to leave the determination of that to priests.
    Secondly ? the cost. When it costs $15,000 a year to send one child to the nearest Catholic high school (and we have four children), then it becomes a financial burden to the family. Yes, a family should not expect a free education, but a Catholic education should not be available solely to the well-off. Even with scholarships, we could not afford this. Many families are in this situation.
    Some diocese do this well. The Diocese of Topeka, Kansas has made it much more affordable, and I have heard St. Louis, MO is similar. It can be done, but sadly, it usually is not.

    Perhaps Fr. Stravinskas was thinking of the Vatican II document, Christian Education. It says:

    ?Catholic parents are reminded of their duty to send their children to Catholic schools? wherever this is possible, to give Catholic schools all the support in their power, and to cooperate with them in their work for the good of their children.? Christian Education, Vat. II, No 8
    But if so, he forgot this quote, from the same document:?Parents, who have a primary and inalienable duty and right in regard to the education of their children, should enjoy the fullest liberty in their choice of school.? Christian Education, No 6

    We are Catholic, Yes it?s True! We are Catholic, How About You?
    #6 ? Homeschoolers can set themselves apart as an ?elite Catholic? group, causing division within the Church.

    This is a valid point. It can happen. There can arise, from some, the attitude that ?we are more Catholic than you because we homeschool.? It does not have to be said, it can be implied.
    Schooling is a choice that each parent has to make. Personally, I went to public schools my whole life. I made great friends, was supported and challenged in my faith, learned a great deal, and was influenced for the good. Because it was what was right for me. Public and Catholic schooling parents should not judge homeschoolers for being anti-establishment, and Catholic homeschooling parents need to be clear they do not feel superior to others because they strive to blend faith and life in a way not often found in traditional schools.
    This is true of any group of Catholics. It is a mistake to think that only your way of doing things is correct. Yes, we have to follow Church Law and remain faithful, but there is a wide world of variation in how that is lived out. St. Paul and St. Peter disagreed with each other many times. They had different styles and different missionary aims. Thus proving that while all are called to discipleship, not all are called to witness in the same manner.
    What is a Catholic homeschooling family? Do they have to use a particular curriculum? Do they have to say certain prayers? Not watch tv? Is it a sin to be familiar with modern culture?? Do they have to attend daily mass? If this is how you judge others, you are certainly setting up barriers.
    There is nothing more damaging to the faith than a sense of superiority. One can teach, gently correct, give example, but to start saying ?you are a good Catholic? and ?you are not??.well, that is a bit like playing God.

    Let the Church be the guide, and we Her faithful followers.

    To Be Continued?
    And the #1 reason Fr. Stravinskas claimed homeschooling is bad ? catechesis is the province of the pastor, not the parent. And this, my friends,? ? the problem of religious education and homeschooling ? will be the subject of the third, and final, blog in this series of responses to the OSV article on homeschools vs. Catholic schools.


    Other helpful quotes:
    all from Familiaris Consortio:

    The? right of the parents to choose an education in conformity with their religious faith must be absolutely guaranteed. No 40
    The State and the Church have the obligation to give families all possible aid to enable them to perform their educational role properly. FC no 40
    However, those in society who are in charge of schools must never forget that the parents have been appointed by God as the first and principal educators of their children and their right in completely inalienable. No 40

    Christine lives with her husband and four sons in the DFW area. She holds a Masters in Theological Studies from the JPII Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family. She is a writer who has written for, Canticle magazine, Catechist magazine, and the Our Sunday Visitor Catechist?s Companion series. Christine enjoys writing on her blog, Deep in the Heart, found at


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