Wednesday, May 23, 2012
ooVoo Rolls Out Video Chat Apps For iPad And Facebook
Will Smith Wouldn't Mind Starring in an Obama Biopic
Aliens blew up the White House during his movie "Independence Day," now Will Smith wants to rebuild the set and move in.
The A-list actor recently told the BBC that playing President Barack Obama in a movie is "definitely something I would consider."
He's even discussed the possibility with the President, he said.
"We talked about it a few months ago," Smith, 43, told the BBC. "I told him, joking? you just have to write the ending. So, he's working on the ending right now."
Smith said he's the natural choice because he and the POTUS share a critical attribute.
"It's about the ears. That's the thing," he said, tugging at his right earlobe with mock formality. "You know, people see the ears, and Barack and I both have the ears."
Smith is traveling the globe promoting his new movie "Men in Black 3" and recently told the Daily News he's excited about his return to the big screen after a three-year hiatus.
He said he still loves a sci-fi blockbuster, but now he's also concerned about whether or not his projects have a purpose.
"For the most part, I'm just looking for material that resonates," he said at the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills.
"You know, the greatest experience I've ever had in a movie theater was ?Star Wars.? It shaped how I look at the world. My imagination was so small before I went in that movie theater, and there was an explosion I had. I just couldn't figure out how someone came up with that. And then how could they make me feel like that watching it," he explained.
"There's nothing more valuable to me than how people feel in a movie theater," he said. "For me... the maximum amount of people that can have an experience that would give them some little germ of something to think about or talk about is all that's important to me in making movies."
He called the subtle career shift an "adjustment."
"There has to be an idea that has to be some message or some statement for me. With 'Men in Black 3,' we connected to the destructive nature of secrets. And that idea... that's what we're displaying ? and then how a relationship can get repaired and go to another level through the exposure of a secret."
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012
6 missing after boat reported sunk in Gulf
GALVESTON, Texas (AP) ? An extensive daylong search by the U.S. Coast Guard turned up no sign of six people who had radioed that their fishing boat was sinking in the Gulf of Mexico off Galveston.
Darkness prompted a halt Monday evening to the extensive, painstaking air and sea search. Plans were to resume the search Tuesday morning, Petty Officer Richard Brahm said.
No reports were received by telephone or other sources to confirm a vessel was overdue or that any of six people were missing, Brahm said. The Coast Guard needs the public's help in trying to work out who was on the boat and where it came from, he said.
"We weren't able to get it from the captain before the boat went down," Brahm said.
According to a Coast Guard statement, an unidentified man saying he was a fishing boat captain radioed Sunday afternoon saying the vessel was taking on water and that six people aboard planned to take to an orange life raft.
"We have an onboard emergency. We are taking on water, sir," the unidentified boat captain said in a distress call to the Coast Guard.
The boat was reported to have been sinking somewhere off the coast of Galveston, about 50 miles southeast of Houston. At least three boats, a helicopter, a plane and two cutters are involved in the search for the missing fishermen in a stretch of water roughly the size of Delaware, according to the Coast Guard statement.
"All my electronics are down, and I couldn't give you an exact location," the boat's captain said in the distress call. Brahm said authorities could not be more specific about where to search for the boat because the distress call was received by several communication towers.
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Behavioral support from peers, staff lowers patients' blood pressure
[ | E-mail |
Contact: Will Sansom
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
African-American patients experienced decrease that rivaled starting a new drug
SAN ANTONIO (May 21, 2012) Behavioral support from peers and primary care office staff can help patients improve their blood pressure control by as much as starting a new drug, a new study found. Barbara J. Turner, M.D., M.S.Ed., M.A., M.A.C.P., of UT Medicine San Antonio, is the senior author.
The randomized, controlled trial examined whether six months of intervention behavioral support from peers and primary care office staff could benefit African-American patients who had poor control of systolic pressure despite one to two years of prescriptions and office visits. Systolic pressure is the force of the blood against vessels as the heart contracts.
"These patients had previously failed to have their blood pressure controlled despite physicians continuing to intensity their medications, so we decided that adding more medicine just wasn't going to work," Dr. Turner said. "You start to think, what other things could I do for this person rather than just pills?"
Population has greater risk
The team focused the behavior support intervention especially on lowering blood pressure because it can be severe, even deadly, in its consequences, particularly for older African Americans. They are more likely than whites to die of heart disease and are less likely to achieve blood pressure control even with similar treatment, Dr. Turner said.
Dr. Turner is professor in the School of Medicine at The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio and director of the REsearch to Advance Community Health (REACH) Center, a collaboration of the Health Science Center, the University Health System and The University of Texas School of Public Health. Researchers conducted the study in two urban academic internal medicine practices in Pennsylvania. Dr. Turner came to San Antonio from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
Lower systolic pressure
In the study, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, systolic pressure was reduced by 7.2 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) in the intervention group versus 0.8 mmHg in the control group a 6.4 mmHg greater reduction for the peer- and primary care staff-based intervention. The study also aimed to reduce overall risk of a heart attack or death from heart disease in the next four years. The intervention group did reduce their heart disease risk more than the control group, but not enough to achieve a significant difference in that outcome compared with the controls.
The study was conducted in patients who were already affected by multiple diseases. More than half of the participants had diabetes, nearly 1 in every 5 had suffered a heart attack or other coronary heart disease (CHD) event, and more than 2 in every 5 had depressive symptoms. Average age of the participants was 62.
Grateful peer coaches
For the peer support intervention, the team trained African-American patients from the same practices as the study subjects. This training program was conducted in collaboration with the American Heart Association. The peer coaches were aged 50 or older and had high blood pressure that was now well-controlled. The peer coaches spoke on the phone with study participants several times over the course of the study about the serious nature of high blood pressure, why taking medications is important and practical ways to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
"Interestingly, the lead peer coach was an 85-year-old former wedding planner," Dr. Turner said. "She was incredible. The best peer coaches were grateful to their doctors for helping them. They wanted to pay back their so-called debt to the doctor and thought this was a way to do it."
Three African-American staff members (a medical assistant, a licensed nurse and a chronic disease educator) were also trained to offer culturally appropriate slideshows developed by the team on topics such as where to get healthy food and why the danger of stroke and heart attack requires taking blood pressure medication daily, even if the condition has no symptoms.
Big picture
"We also created an online program to show patients their heart disease risk factors and what would happen to their risk of having a heart attack within four years if they reduced one or more of these risk factors," Dr. Turner said. "We could show that the risk could be reduced, sometimes a lot, by making a positive change."
Aspects of a patient-centered medical home were employed, such as using an electronic medical record to identify and then track the progress of the participants.
Dr. Turner said UT Medicine, the clinical practice of the School of Medicine at the UT Health Science Center, and other practices in San Antonio have patients who are also failing to achieve blood pressure control goals despite medications and office visits. Behavioral support may help them achieve a safer blood pressure. In addition, studies with patients who have diabetes have also shown a likely benefit from peer- and primary care office-based behavioral support, Dr. Turner said.
The research is reported in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.
On the Web and Twitter
For current news from the UT Health Science Center San Antonio, please visit our news release website or follow us on Twitter @uthscsa.
About UT Medicine San Antonio
UT Medicine San Antonio is the clinical practice of the School of Medicine at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio. With more than 700 doctors all faculty from the School of Medicine UT Medicine is the largest medical practice in Central and South Texas, with expertise in more than 60 different branches of medicine. Primary care doctors and specialists see patients in private practice at UT Medicine's flagship clinical home, the Medical Arts & Research Center (MARC), located in the South Texas Medical Center at 8300 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio 78229. Most major health plans are accepted, and there are clinics and physicians at several local and regional hospitals, including CHRISTUS Santa Rosa, University Hospital and Baptist Medical Center. Call (210) 450-9000 to schedule an appointment, or visit the website at for a complete listing of clinics and phone numbers.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
[ | E-mail |
Contact: Will Sansom
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
African-American patients experienced decrease that rivaled starting a new drug
SAN ANTONIO (May 21, 2012) Behavioral support from peers and primary care office staff can help patients improve their blood pressure control by as much as starting a new drug, a new study found. Barbara J. Turner, M.D., M.S.Ed., M.A., M.A.C.P., of UT Medicine San Antonio, is the senior author.
The randomized, controlled trial examined whether six months of intervention behavioral support from peers and primary care office staff could benefit African-American patients who had poor control of systolic pressure despite one to two years of prescriptions and office visits. Systolic pressure is the force of the blood against vessels as the heart contracts.
"These patients had previously failed to have their blood pressure controlled despite physicians continuing to intensity their medications, so we decided that adding more medicine just wasn't going to work," Dr. Turner said. "You start to think, what other things could I do for this person rather than just pills?"
Population has greater risk
The team focused the behavior support intervention especially on lowering blood pressure because it can be severe, even deadly, in its consequences, particularly for older African Americans. They are more likely than whites to die of heart disease and are less likely to achieve blood pressure control even with similar treatment, Dr. Turner said.
Dr. Turner is professor in the School of Medicine at The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio and director of the REsearch to Advance Community Health (REACH) Center, a collaboration of the Health Science Center, the University Health System and The University of Texas School of Public Health. Researchers conducted the study in two urban academic internal medicine practices in Pennsylvania. Dr. Turner came to San Antonio from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
Lower systolic pressure
In the study, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, systolic pressure was reduced by 7.2 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) in the intervention group versus 0.8 mmHg in the control group a 6.4 mmHg greater reduction for the peer- and primary care staff-based intervention. The study also aimed to reduce overall risk of a heart attack or death from heart disease in the next four years. The intervention group did reduce their heart disease risk more than the control group, but not enough to achieve a significant difference in that outcome compared with the controls.
The study was conducted in patients who were already affected by multiple diseases. More than half of the participants had diabetes, nearly 1 in every 5 had suffered a heart attack or other coronary heart disease (CHD) event, and more than 2 in every 5 had depressive symptoms. Average age of the participants was 62.
Grateful peer coaches
For the peer support intervention, the team trained African-American patients from the same practices as the study subjects. This training program was conducted in collaboration with the American Heart Association. The peer coaches were aged 50 or older and had high blood pressure that was now well-controlled. The peer coaches spoke on the phone with study participants several times over the course of the study about the serious nature of high blood pressure, why taking medications is important and practical ways to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
"Interestingly, the lead peer coach was an 85-year-old former wedding planner," Dr. Turner said. "She was incredible. The best peer coaches were grateful to their doctors for helping them. They wanted to pay back their so-called debt to the doctor and thought this was a way to do it."
Three African-American staff members (a medical assistant, a licensed nurse and a chronic disease educator) were also trained to offer culturally appropriate slideshows developed by the team on topics such as where to get healthy food and why the danger of stroke and heart attack requires taking blood pressure medication daily, even if the condition has no symptoms.
Big picture
"We also created an online program to show patients their heart disease risk factors and what would happen to their risk of having a heart attack within four years if they reduced one or more of these risk factors," Dr. Turner said. "We could show that the risk could be reduced, sometimes a lot, by making a positive change."
Aspects of a patient-centered medical home were employed, such as using an electronic medical record to identify and then track the progress of the participants.
Dr. Turner said UT Medicine, the clinical practice of the School of Medicine at the UT Health Science Center, and other practices in San Antonio have patients who are also failing to achieve blood pressure control goals despite medications and office visits. Behavioral support may help them achieve a safer blood pressure. In addition, studies with patients who have diabetes have also shown a likely benefit from peer- and primary care office-based behavioral support, Dr. Turner said.
The research is reported in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.
On the Web and Twitter
For current news from the UT Health Science Center San Antonio, please visit our news release website or follow us on Twitter @uthscsa.
About UT Medicine San Antonio
UT Medicine San Antonio is the clinical practice of the School of Medicine at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio. With more than 700 doctors all faculty from the School of Medicine UT Medicine is the largest medical practice in Central and South Texas, with expertise in more than 60 different branches of medicine. Primary care doctors and specialists see patients in private practice at UT Medicine's flagship clinical home, the Medical Arts & Research Center (MARC), located in the South Texas Medical Center at 8300 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio 78229. Most major health plans are accepted, and there are clinics and physicians at several local and regional hospitals, including CHRISTUS Santa Rosa, University Hospital and Baptist Medical Center. Call (210) 450-9000 to schedule an appointment, or visit the website at for a complete listing of clinics and phone numbers.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Q&A: Want to get rid of your allergies? Health and nutrition products ...
Question by Timothy K: Want to get rid of your allergies? Health and nutrition products featured on ?How to live to 100? for sale
I?m selling health products featured on the news story ?How to live to 100.?The best selling product is called OPC-3, a powerful anti-oxidant.What makes this product unique is that the body absorbs it isotonically.This means that the body has less work to do to in obtaining maximum absorption.The isotonic state of the suspension allows nutrients to pass directly into the small intestine and be rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream.With Isotonix products, little nutritive value is lost, making the absorption of nutrients highly efficient while delivering maximum results.If you are tired of spending money on pills, sprays and powders to clear your allergies, this might be a product worth trying.Unlike most allergy medications, which simply suppress symptoms, this one elevates immunoglobin levels, effectively ?curing? allergies.I personally had severe allergies to many environmental toxins, and after using this product my allergies are gone. Email me at for more info.
Best answer:
Answer by Dana
this is a scam and a lie??? don?t believe it!
Add your own answer in the comments!
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are there any connections with allergies to heart or any other major ...
Question by George D: are there any connections with allergies to heart or any other major health problems?
my daughter seems to be getting allergies, sniffles etc. quite often and I am constantly giving her benadrly which a bit and then a week o two later she gets it again and my cincern is that maybe the allergies is a symptom of something more
Best answer:
Answer by kittypurrrrrrr
No my son has a heart disease and I?ve had several doctors tell me that allergies don?t cause that sort of thing. I have even had my pediatrician tell me that small children don?t get ?allergies? like we do. My nephew has Asthma and he gets the sniffles and runny nose all the time. They give him steroids to help open his lungs so he can work through the sickness.
Add your own answer in the comments!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Syria Crisis: U.N. Monitor Team Evacuated From Khan Sheikhoun
BEIRUT -- A team of international observers was evacuated Wednesday from a tense town in northern Syria a day after their convoy was hit by a roadside bomb, a U.N. spokesman said.
The team's vehicles were struck by the blast Tuesday during a mission in the northern town of Khan Sheikhoun. None of the observers was wounded, but they had to spend the night with rebel forces in the area. Earlier Wednesday, Maj. Gen. Robert Mood, the head of the U.N. team, said he had spoken with the observers in Khan Sheikhoun by telephone and that they "told us that they are happy and safe where they are."
Syria-based U.N. spokesman Hassan Seklawi said U.N. members picked up the team around noon Wednesday.
"They left in one convoy in the direction of Hama," Seklawi said referring to a central city south of Khan Sheikhoun.
Tuesday's attack, which came minutes after witnesses said regime forces gunned down mourners at a funeral procession nearby, dealt a fresh blow to international envoy Kofi Annan's peace plan and the U.N. effort to monitor compliance with a troubled cease-fire agreement.
Activists said the violence continued Wednesday with regime forces opening fire from the outskirts of Khan Sheikhoun.
Rami Abdul-Rahman, who heads the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights activist group, said the heavy machine-gun fire has so far prevented people from holding funerals for some of the 20 mourners who were killed at the funeral on Tuesday.
The U.N. said rebel forces had given the observers shelter in the town, which has witnessed anti-government protests since an uprising against President Bashar Assad's regime began in March last year.
Ahmad Fawzi, Annan's spokesman, said in a statement that six staff members were "reportedly being treated well" while in rebel hands.
Fawzi said the observers were caught up in the explosion as they met with the rebel Free Syrian Army. He said three vehicles were damaged.
More than 200 U.N. observers have been deployed throughout Syria to monitor the cease-fire agreement, which has been repeatedly violated by both sides since it took effect on April 12.
The bombing was at least the second time the U.N. observers have been caught up in Syria's violence. Last week, a roadside bomb struck a Syrian military truck in the south of the country just seconds after Mood rode by in a convoy.
It was not clear who was behind the blast and no one claimed responsibility.
A video posted by activists online appeared to show the exact moment the U.N. vehicle was struck. The video shows two white vehicles clearly marked "U.N" with people milling around it, and two others parked a few meters (yards) behind. Slippers apparently left behind by the mourners running away from the shooting earlier are seen strewn about on the ground.
The blast blew off the front of the first vehicle and sent up a plume of smoke as people screamed and frantically ran for cover. The four cars are then seen slowly driving away.
It was not clear how close the observers were to the funeral shootings, but if confirmed, a regime attack on civilians directly in front of the observer mission could put pressure on them to describe publicly what they are seeing in Syria. They report back to the U.N. but have not publicized their findings.
Syria's state-run TV, meanwhile, reported Wednesday that authorities released 250 people who were involved in the uprising. Assad has issued several pardons releasing thousands of detainees since the crisis began.
The Observatory also said Syrian forces opened fire at the Naziheen Palestinian refugee camp in the southern city of Daraa, killing four people. The pro-government TV station Ikhbariyah blamed members of "an armed terrorist group," saying they fired two rocket-propelled grenades at the camp, killing a 4-year-old girl and wounding 15 other people.
The Syrian uprising began with mostly peaceful protests calling for change, but a relentless government crackdown led many in the opposition to take up arms. Some soldiers also have switched sides and joined forces with the rebels.
The U.N. estimates the conflict has killed more than 9,000 people.
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Arabian horse swims three miles out to sea
Santa Barbara Harbor Patrol
A search and rescue team save William, a 7-year-old Arabian show horse, after swam nearly three miles into the ocean.
By Isolde Raftery,
As the sun set over Loon Point near Santa Barbara on Tuesday evening, waves crashed onto the sand, apparently spooking an Arabian show horse named William.
William, a 7-year-old grey stallion, had been part of a photo shoot with other horses. Frightened, he bolted into the surf.
He started to swim. And swim. And swim until he was nearly three miles offshore, headed for oil rigs.
On land, a team of four from the Santa Barbara Harbor Patrol, Carpenteria-Summerland Fire Water Rescue, and California State Parks set out to find the horse, whose official name is Air of Temptation. His owner, Mindy Peters, a movie producer, told Huffington Post that he had never been swimming in his life.
RAW VIDEO: William, an Arabian show horse whose official name is Air of Temptation, bolted into the surf Tuesday evening, swimming three miles off shore. A team of four search and rescuers saved him, slowly swimming him back to shore.?
"Horses can swim, but not well,? she told HuffPo. Peters was driving when she learned about her sea horse and immediately bee-lined to the beach. She said William is worth about $100,000 to $150,000.
Ryan Kelly, a Santa Barbara Harbor Patrol Officer, was the first on site, heading out with a small motorboat. Overhead, a helicopter searched as well.
As the sun set further, the team worried they were losing light. But after a half hour search, they saw a nose and part of a face peaking above the water.
?It was a real needle-in-a-haystack kind of find,? Kelly told ?He looked like every other bird that was just sitting on the water.?
William was drifting with the current but still heading out to sea. When he saw the search and rescue team, he appeared startled but also exhausted.
They corralled the horse and used boathook to grab his reins. They made a makeshift harness to slip under his saddle and tie to the side of the rescue boat. They wanted to keep him buoyant so he wouldn?t sink and drown from exhaustion. ?
The return took two hours, because the horse moved at about a mile an hour. It was also occasionally scary for the rescue team.
?Some of the grunts and noises he was making along the way -- we weren?t sure how he was doing,? Kelly said. ?We weren?t sure if he had other problems. He was making noise, thrashing around and other times he?d be completely still.?
One of the firefighters held his head above water and reassured him, Kelly said.
?It?s going to be all right,? the firefighter said, according to Kelly, petting the horse's head.??
Once they hit the beach, the rescue team handed William off to a crew on paddle boats.
Waiting for William was a veterinarian who guided him to?a trailer. William is now recuperating.
Peters, who has owned William for a little over a year, told HuffPo that her family was ?scared to death we were going to lose him, that he was going to drown.?
?He is absolutely part of our family,? she said.
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012
What Works For An Online Business Internet Marketing Computer ...
Internet Marketing Computer Basics
If you are thinking about or are just starting out in Internet Marketing you will defiantly need a computer. For many a computer is not that big of a deal and they may have several at their disposal either at home or at work. Others however are not as fortunate and may have to borrow a friends, use one at the library or just go out and buy one.
Whatever situation you find yourself in, even if it is a difficult one I am here to let you know that just about any computer will work. The only requirements are the ability to connect to the Internet and some basic publishing software. Of course a current browser is a must since your Internet connection needs one to work properly.
I am not going to get into the whole Mac vrs PC controversy. I have friends who are successful marketers who use both. I myself use a PC but that is more because that is what was available to me in '95 when I first started out using a computer. I am also an online gamer so prefer the PC for that reason. If you like Macs that is not a problem, they work well also.
So in short, any functioning computer and Internet connection will work.
Here is what you will need on your computer.
1. A fully functioning Internet Browser.
I use Chrome but Firefox and Internet Explorer are fine also. On a Mac it is called Finder. Can't speak for any more than the first three I mentioned since I haven't used others. Most Internet Marketers (PC users) prefer Firefox because of all the useful plugins available.
2. Writing Software That Contains Spell Check.
Most marketers start out with article marketing, in fact most never stop. A good document generating program is a must. Most computers (PC) come with Microsoft Word or something similar. Macs are loaded with Word also.
However I prefer a straight text editor because I do tons of cutting and pasting and you don't want any errant code in the background when posting to article directories or any place else for that matter.
If you have a PC no doubt you have "notepad". Mac has TextEdit. A few powerful text editors I can recommend are Notepad++ and Text Pad. Both are great (free versions) and I use the latter every day... even right now!
As you learn affiliate marketing you will have a need for other software. I have a post on my site that explains what I use and why. Since I can squeeze a buffalo nickel until it poops you can bet that most are free or very affordable.
I have tried desktop computers and laptops. Both are fine. A laptop is more mobile where as a desk top can be more ergonomically friendly. I had one set up with two monitors and boy was that nice but when I was traveling I couldn't function with my laptop or any computer at motels. So I decided to work only on my laptop at all times.
Now I am just as fast and efficient on one smaller screen as I was on two big ones! I can't speak for a tablet other than my brother uses one to run a network for a Northern California School District. Not saying it couldn't be done but I think marketing on one would be a bit tough.
In "What Works For An Online Business Internet Marketing Computer part 2" will cover some of the other software you will be exposed to as you advance in your skills using your Internet marketing computer.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Teehan+Lax's 'Do We Have Milk?' answers the burning question with your Android phone, custom jugs (video)
Let's face it: whether or not there's enough good milk to drink has been an ongoing problem among the technology set, which is why we're surprised that we're only now seeing true smartphone-milk integration through a project at Teehan+Lax's Labs group. As the name implies, Do We Have Milk? will figure out whether or not there's enough in the milk bag (did we mention Teehan+Lax is very Canadian?) based on a weight sensor in the jug. Run low, and your Android phone will tell you not just to buy some more but produce a map pinpointing the nearest convenience or grocery store. DWHM? is an experiment that might take awhile to become a real product, if it ever does, but it could have broad implications for consumables of all kinds in addition to saving you from having to eat your Shreddies dry.
Teehan+Lax's 'Do We Have Milk?' answers the burning question with your Android phone, custom jugs (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 11 May 2012 04:22:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Thursday, May 10, 2012
Join us live for Bill Clinton's CTIA keynote tomorrow at 3PM ET
Well, we kicked off the week with the current king of regulation, now we end the event with a keynote from a former regulatory king maker. President Bill Clinton will be taking the stage tomorrow afternoon to talk about... something. The philanthropist and former commander-in-chief took the long trip to N'awlins to address the industry and press, so we assume he's got something important to say. If you want to find out exactly what that might be, check back here at the time listed below to watch Willy get his word groove on.
Join us live for Bill Clinton's CTIA keynote tomorrow at 3PM ET originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 09 May 2012 16:45:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
Permalink | | Email this | CommentsNest Learning Thermostat on sale at Lowe's, thinks you should climate control it yourself
The Nest Learning Thermostat just became a lot more available -- that is, if you happen to be around one of the 500+ Lowe's stores in the US that now carry the smart appliance. Lowe's insists that the product, designed by former Apple employees, is in line with the chain's do-it-yourself focus, seeing as home most buyers will likely install the product on their own. And everyone could stand to shed a some cost from their energy bills, right? More info can be found in the press release after the break.
Nest Learning Thermostat on sale at Lowe's, thinks you should climate control it yourself originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 08 May 2012 15:26:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
PermalinkPAM MATRANGA MOTORBOAT | Weekly World News
All Galveston County Constable wanted was a little motorboat!
The lawsuit reads like the script for a sexual harassment in the workplace video, but a former Texas deputy said the unwanted sexual advances from his female constable went too far.
Galveston County Constable Pam Matranga?made lewd and suggestive advances?to Deputy?James Gist, including forcing his head into her breasts on two occasions, according to his complaint.
?She lifted her blouse and pulled it down over Plaintiff?s head. ? She pressed her breasts against the head of Plaintiff,? said the lawsuit, which was filed in District Court in?Galveston County earlier this month and posted on Houston Press.
The suit details an alleged history of lewd behavior Gist said he suffered in the workplace
Matranga declined to discuss the allegations levied against her in the lawsuit.
?Unfortunately Mr. Gist is allowed to say and do whatever he wants and I stand by a higher standard,? she told, adding that she was not allowed to make any further comments.
Asked if she liked to joke around in the office, Matranga said, ?Yes.?
Fed up with his boss, who he claims once said she wanted to perform at ?chunky chicks night? at a local strip club and then gyrated in his face, Gist decided to take action. The deputy set up a recording device on his desk.
On Oct. 26, 2011, Gist said he was once again forced under Matranga?s shirt and pushed into her breasts, an act called ?motorboating? that joined the cultural lexicon following a famous tirade by Vince Vaughn?s character in the movie ?Wedding Crashers.?
Gist said he yelled at her to stop while the device may have picked up the incident on his desk, according to the court documents.
Matranga found out about the device and filed a complaint with the Galveston County District Attorney?s Office. Gist alleged the constable, who said she has a ?clean? record in her 19 years of service, deleted evidence on the recorder.
Five days later, Gist was suspended and ultimately resigned from as a deputy.
The?Galveston County District Attorney?s office is reviewing Matranga?s complaint against Gist allegedly bugging the office to determine if it ?warrants criminal charges,? said Kevin Petroff, assistant district attorney.
Gist also filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. He was unable to be reached for comment.
The two-term constable faces competition for her job in the May 29 Republican primary.
ALYSSA NEWCOMB?|?Good Morning America
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012
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