Cedar City Utah Real Estate | Brian Head Realtor
Brian Head, Utah is a small town in the Southern Utah mountains. Located at over 10,000 feet above sea level it gets some of the best snow on earth. Brian Head is located a conveniently 2 1/2 hours north of Las Vegas along Interstate 15 and 3 hours South of Salt Lake City. This makes it a perfect place for a second home or getaway.
Many people are finding they love to visit Brian Head, Utah in both the summer and the winter. During the winter Brian Head is a full service ski resort with over 2000 acres of amazing Utah powder. You can also rent snow mobiles, go cross country skiing, or even snow shewing. People from all over the world are constantly amazed at the beauty of Brian Head in the winter.
In the summer months Brian Head transforms from a ski resort town to a vacation pit stop. Brian Head is within a days drive of Zions National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Grand Staircase National Park, Cedar Breaks National Monument, Dixie National Forest, Lake Powell, and many other smaller but still amazing places. Many people also like Brian Head because during summer months it is a great place to cool off, with average temperatures in the 70?s during summer months it makes a great place to get away from the heat of Southern Utah and Nevada. You can also rent 4 wheelers, go hiking, camping and other outdoor activities.
If you visit Brian Head and decide that it would be a great place for a second home, cabin, condo or other type of property please contact Lori Brooks, she is a local Brian Head Broker with over 20 years of Real Estate experience in the Brian Head area. Lori will do what it takes to get you the property you are looking for.
Visit my Brian Head Realtor website for more information! Lori Brooks is a full time/full service real estate agent that provides a free search of Southern Utah properties from his website.
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BySam Dodd
Brian Head, Utah is a small town in the Southern Utah mountains. Located at over 10,000 feet above sea level it gets some of the best snow on earth. Brian Head is located a conveniently 2 1/2 hours north of Las Vegas along Interstate 15 and 3 hours South of Salt Lake City. This makes it a perfect place for a second home or getaway.
Many people are finding they love to visit Brian Head, Utah in both the summer and the winter. During the winter Brian Head is a full service ski resort with over 2000 acres of amazing Utah powder. You can also rent snow mobiles, go cross country skiing, or even snow shewing. People from all over the world are constantly amazed at the beauty of Brian Head in the winter.
In the summer months Brian Head transforms from a ski resort town to a vacation pit stop. Brian Head is within a days drive of Zions National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Grand Staircase National Park, Cedar Breaks National Monument, Dixie National Forest, Lake Powell, and many other smaller but still amazing places. Many people also like Brian Head because during summer months it is a great place to cool off, with average temperatures in the 70?s during summer months it makes a great place to get away from the heat of Southern Utah and Nevada. You can also rent 4 wheelers, go hiking, camping and other outdoor activities.
If you visit Brian Head and decide that it would be a great place for a second home, cabin, condo or other type of property please contact Lori Brooks, she is a local Brian Head Broker with over 20 years of Real Estate experience in the Brian Head area. Lori will do what it takes to get you the property you are looking for.
Visit my Brian Head Realtor website for more information! Lori Brooks is a full time/full service real estate agent that provides a free search of Southern Utah properties from his website.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sam_Dodd
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Dodd, S. (2007, May 9). Brian Head Realtor. Retrieved September 23, 2011, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Brian-?Head-?Realtor&id=558161
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Cedar City Utah Real Estate | Brian Head Realtor
Brian Head, Utah is a small town in the Southern Utah mountains. Located at over 10,000 feet above sea level it gets some of the best snow on earth. Brian Head is located a conveniently 2 1/2 hours north of Las Vegas along Interstate 15 and 3 hours South of Salt Lake City. This makes it a perfect place for a second home or getaway.
Many people are finding they love to visit Brian Head, Utah in both the summer and the winter. During the winter Brian Head is a full service ski resort with over 2000 acres of amazing Utah powder. You can also rent snow mobiles, go cross country skiing, or even snow shewing. People from all over the world are constantly amazed at the beauty of Brian Head in the winter.
In the summer months Brian Head transforms from a ski resort town to a vacation pit stop. Brian Head is within a days drive of Zions National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Grand Staircase National Park, Cedar Breaks National Monument, Dixie National Forest, Lake Powell, and many other smaller but still amazing places. Many people also like Brian Head because during summer months it is a great place to cool off, with average temperatures in the 70?s during summer months it makes a great place to get away from the heat of Southern Utah and Nevada. You can also rent 4 wheelers, go hiking, camping and other outdoor activities.
If you visit Brian Head and decide that it would be a great place for a second home, cabin, condo or other type of property please contact Lori Brooks, she is a local Brian Head Broker with over 20 years of Real Estate experience in the Brian Head area. Lori will do what it takes to get you the property you are looking for.
Visit my Brian Head Realtor website for more information! Lori Brooks is a full time/full service real estate agent that provides a free search of Southern Utah properties from his website.
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? Real Estate
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BySam Dodd
Brian Head, Utah is a small town in the Southern Utah mountains. Located at over 10,000 feet above sea level it gets some of the best snow on earth. Brian Head is located a conveniently 2 1/2 hours north of Las Vegas along Interstate 15 and 3 hours South of Salt Lake City. This makes it a perfect place for a second home or getaway.
Many people are finding they love to visit Brian Head, Utah in both the summer and the winter. During the winter Brian Head is a full service ski resort with over 2000 acres of amazing Utah powder. You can also rent snow mobiles, go cross country skiing, or even snow shewing. People from all over the world are constantly amazed at the beauty of Brian Head in the winter.
In the summer months Brian Head transforms from a ski resort town to a vacation pit stop. Brian Head is within a days drive of Zions National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Grand Staircase National Park, Cedar Breaks National Monument, Dixie National Forest, Lake Powell, and many other smaller but still amazing places. Many people also like Brian Head because during summer months it is a great place to cool off, with average temperatures in the 70?s during summer months it makes a great place to get away from the heat of Southern Utah and Nevada. You can also rent 4 wheelers, go hiking, camping and other outdoor activities.
If you visit Brian Head and decide that it would be a great place for a second home, cabin, condo or other type of property please contact Lori Brooks, she is a local Brian Head Broker with over 20 years of Real Estate experience in the Brian Head area. Lori will do what it takes to get you the property you are looking for.
Visit my Brian Head Realtor website for more information! Lori Brooks is a full time/full service real estate agent that provides a free search of Southern Utah properties from his website.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sam_Dodd
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?;} document.write(? + s + ?
?); return;}google_ad_client = ?pub-3754405753000444?;//EA-Real Estate Moving Relocating 160google_ad_channel = ?2012143359?;google_ad_output = ?js?;google_max_num_ads = ?7?;google_ad_type = ?text?;google_feedback = ?on?;google_hints = ?head brian utah national place summer park people?;google_ad_region = ?test?;// ?>]]>Get Involved0 comments
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?; document.write(?+s+?
Dodd, Sam?Brian Head Realtor.?Brian Head Realtor.9 May. 2007EzineArticles.com.23 Sep. 2011 http://ezinearticles.com/?Brian-?Head-?Realtor&id=558161>.
Dodd, S. (2007, May 9). Brian Head Realtor. Retrieved September 23, 2011, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Brian-?Head-?Realtor&id=558161
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Source: http://geologic.biz/cedar-city-utah-real-estate-brian-head-realtor/
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